Our Plants Produce Recycled Construction Materials
We accept dumping of clean broken concrete and asphalt at each plant site. Crushed concrete aggregate and crushed asphalt aggregate are also available. Please call for details. (Click the phone icon at the top of the page)
The process of recycling asphalt and concrete road pavements into reusable aggregate products continues to grow. With the placement of high volume crushing plants at each site, Allied continues to meet the increased demand for recycled aggregates.
Allied Asphalt has provided quality asphalt products to meet customer needs in commercial, residential, State and Federal projects for nearly 40 years. Allied Asphalt operates four plants; in Franklin Park, Huntley, Bartlett, and West Chicago, Illinois.
Working in conjunction with mobile recycle plants located at four locations, Allied Asphalt is further able to demonstrate it’s commitment to the Plote Company’s policy of environmentally responsible business practice by processing recyclable construction materials and returning them to economic value while not impacting the local landfills.